Love the mountains? Wish you could take more adventures? Here are 6 signs you truly belong in the mountains.
1. You Seriously Crave Adventure
If you find yourself ditching out on weekend plans in order to go on new adventures, then the mountains are right where you belong. Make your dreams a reality by traveling or relocating to the mountains. Fill your life with adventures and your soul will be happy!

Four Pass Loop, Aspen CO Photo Credit: Zach Dischner (Flickr).
2. You Choose The Mountains Over Anywhere
If you prefer the mountains over the city or the beach any day, then you belong here! Mountain enthusiasts crave adventure and are constantly seeking new ways to find it. Start living an adventure inspired life in the mountains!

Red Cloud Peak Wildernes Photo Credit: The Bureau of Land Management (Flickr).
3. You Love Being Outdoors….Even When It’s Freezing
If you enjoy the great outdoors, even when it’s cold outside, there’s no denying you belong in the mountains. Some of the best things to do in the winter can be found in the Rocky Mountains. Besides hitting the slopes, there’s plenty of winter activities to do in the mountains. From snowshoeing to dog sledding, there’s endless opportunity for winter adventure.
4. Your Closet is Over Flowing With Gear
There’s no question about it, outdoor gear junkies belong in the mountains. Whether you’re going backpacking or deciding to give rock climbing a try, you can start using your gear every weekend in the mountains. Put your gear to good use!

Photo Credit: brewbooks (Flickr).
5. You Care About Protecting the Planet
Share your commitment to environmental sustainability with like-minded individuals in the mountains. You’ll find an entire community doing their part in states like Colorado. Mountain towns are always looking for new ways to reduce environmental impacts.
6. You’re Obsessed With Photography
If you love taking pictures of wild landscapes, then the mountains are the perfect place for you to be. From capturing breathtaking views to roaming wildlife, you can take your love of photography to a new level in the mountains.
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