While many plants and veggies are great additions to the garden, some species stand a cut above the rest when it comes to producing food that will amp up the quality of your diet. Here are a few of our favorites and why.
1. Kale
A crop known to thrive in a cool weather climate, kale is packed full of fiber, iron, and antioxidants. It’s often called “the queen of the greens” for a good reason.
2. Broccoli
Growing best in a sunny spot, broccoli is a relatively easy vegetable to manage with a huge upside when it comes to fueling a healthy lifestyle. Known for reducing risks of an entire slew of diseases and cancers thanks to a high number of antioxidants, it’s in your best interest to add broccoli to your gardening mix today.

Photo Credit: fcafotodigital (iStock).
3. Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts make the cut for this list thanks to their ability to thrive over winter, even if the temperatures drop below freezing. Not only do they support anti-inflammatory processes in the body, their nutritional profile is great for detoxification.
4. Garlic
Easy to grow and a flexible addition to a number of dishes, garlic is considered to be an autumn crop. Consuming it might leave your breath a bit strong, but it’s got a healthy upside thanks to it’s ability to fight infection, lower blood pressure, and reduce cancer rates. It’s even been listed as a natural option for fighting the common cold.
5. Tomatoes
A staple for many gardens, the tomato is one of the most common vegetables that people pick to grow at their homes. It’s an easy plant to take care of and it’s applicable for a seemingly endless number of uses in the kitchen. Plus, it’s packed full of an antioxidant called lycophene. This anti-oxidant is thought to protect against a number of health issues, including heart disease and cancers.
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