Struggling to get out of debt? Here are 5 big mistakes that could be keeping you in debt.
1. Never Checking Your Credit Score
When was the last time you actually checked your credit score? It’s important to know where you financially stand. Reviewing your credit report once a year helps to check for accuracy and how well your credit is performing.
2. Ignoring Credit Card Debt
It’s easy to get caught up in everyday life and push credit card debt to the side. Credit cards have insane interest rates these days and can actually put you even further into debt. Make credit card payments a priority and you’ll be much more likely to reduce debt.

Photo Credit: Deejpilot (iStock).
3. Spending Too Much Eating Out
Dining out could be eating up your budget. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average household spends about $3,000 a year on eating out at restaurants. For simple ways to save money at restaurants, click here.

Photo Credit: LuminaStock (iStock).
4. No Emergency Funds
Shrink credit card debt by creating a savings account for emergency purposes only. Emergencies can happen at any time and lack of savings can put you in a bad situation. Set aside emergency funding and you’ll be much more prepared for the unexpected.
5. Zero Planning
Sticking to a personal budget can help you overcome debt and gain financial freedom again. Whether it’s saving for your dream wedding or an epic vacation, it’s important to plan ahead for the future.

Photo Credit: Geber86 (iStock).
Avoid these 5 mistakes and start taking steps to enjoy a debt-free life.
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